
Windows is a site specific work by maya dunietz, performed by four sisters.It takes place in a medium size room (big enough for 60-70 people) and in the middle of each wall of the room there is a large window. 

The audience is inside the room.

The four performers spread around the building each situated behind a window, looking inside.

On the windowsill in front of her, the performer places the record player, the tiny speaker for the cd player, the little dolls, spring animals in the correct preset as the score indicates . Other objects are stored beneath the window allowing the performer a comfortable reach, and will be brought in the frame at the right time. everything happens on that windowsill basically. the four performers follow the score, operating the various objects to create a jolly one hour long surround puppet sound circus. 

 Performers - Maya Dunietz, Dana Dunietz, Keren Dunietz, Noa Rimer  

Commissioned by art tlv